The mission at CHA is to provide a dynamic, student-centered program of academic rigor amid cross-curricular instruction that challenges students to maximize their intellectual, social, physical, and spiritual potential. We aim to instill a strong sense of identity and a commitment to meaningful and balanced living, guided by Jewish ethics and values.
SCY High (pronounced SKY High) is a small boys’ Yeshiva high school located in San Diego, California. SCY High is dedicated to a fine balance between a strong Judaic studies program and a high-level college-preparatory secular education. The academic foundation of our school is supplemented with an emphasis on Ruach, a real connection to the spirituality of Judaism, and a strong athletic program, which provides our students with a physical outlet and a large dose of school pride.
Our mission is to prepare individuals for a lifetime of learning, spiritual growth, and community responsibility as Jews. Our goal is to provide our students with an outstanding Torah education and an excellent college preparatory secular education in a warm, nurturing environment that reinforces their commitment to Torah and observance of mitzvot.
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